Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Weight loss Wednesdays: an excuse

So much has changed in a week. I was going to write about how good I feel about my job. SAE World Congress was a great experience, and I am starting to work better with team members I was previously struggling to find common ground with. Though dieting and exercise were terrible after a very busy work week, the team building was priceless.

But I can't say that any of it is true. In my mind those were the happenings of last week. The reality is, the company has no money, they find my skills strong and my work good, and my personality is, well, too much for them. As Casey put it, they are vanilla and I am a sundae bar.

Seriously, who wouldn't want a few sprinkles and some hot fudge?

The truth is, I am happy. I am glad I will no longer be commuting away 12.5 hours a week of my life. I will be able to use those to hours to move my body, and cook. I will have time with my family and time for myself. It is no fun to be let go, no matter the reason but I think I will find work that is right for me. Actually I may already have. I came home on Monday and there was an offer for some freelance work sitting in my in-box. I start next Monday. Life can be funny like that.

Weight-loss will occur, next week. Even though I won't be eating a whole tub of superman, I did feel entitled to wallow in a snicker sundae from Mickey's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said. I don't even like vanilla ice cream. Let's have a chocolate sundae soon. :) - mvl