Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Recital, who doesn't love sequins?

This past weekend was my dance recital. My many amazing friends and family were there, and I was so glad to have their support.

Dance has always been such an important part of my life, and like most things we hold dear, you don't feel the true weight of it until it's gone. That's what made this year so special. I knew I loved it before, but the pain of not having it, now that is something.

Five of my lovely classmates, and I mean it, wonderful people and beautiful to boot, are leaving class for college and life. They will be leaving something behind, a part of them. My friend Andrea, also back in class these days, and I have been discussing how much we missed it while we were in college and how they can't possibly be prepared for the loss they will feel. Dance provides an outlet for creativity and stress. It is a place that is challenging and supportive and rewarding. It's filled with relationships with people you may never have approached in your day-to-day life but whose personalities add so much to your own that they truly shape the person you are to become.

I wish nothing but luck and happiness to all the girls and I hope one day, when we all have kids, that they will dance together and grow as we did.

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