Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Weight loss Wednesdays: dinner is too late

Since it is 11:01 and my dinner is cooking I have to say my goal for next week is start eating earlier and more frequently. Some how I have found myself so busy this week that I am not eating until almost midnight. That is a must change.

A portion of my late nights can be attributed to work, (BOO) but a lot of it is dance rehearsal. My physical activity plan is join more dance. It is the best you can feel, it's rewarding on physical and emotional levels, mentally challenging and a lot of fun.

If dance is not your thing I recommend joining some kind of summer activity.

Softball (365 calories an hour)
Volleyball (292 calories an hour)
Golf (329 calories an hour)
Hiking (438 calories an hour)
Basketball (584 calories an hour)

Get out there and do something challenging that you truly enjoy. It won't even feel like work, just intense fun. To look at calorie burn more specific to your weight and check out your other favorite activities, click here.

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