Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Weight loss Wednesdays

I was going to put this off one more week...but here we go.

My life has been sedentary of late and it seems I am expanding. I have tried to fight it, but it often feels like a losing battle and fries can't be all bad, right? Well, 25 pounds in less than two years says they are. I am ready to fight back, and I am guessing it's good for my health too.

After a rare series of events, I found myself at my parents’ house, watching Rachael Ray. She had a really interesting guest, no, a guest with a really interesting story. The guest had asked people she knew to sponsor her weight loss. So that is my plan now. Sponsoring and being sponsored.

The sponsor picks a 5-15 pound section, depends what you've got to loose, and makes it their responsibility to help you on the follow through. Encouraging phone calls, working out with you, sending tips, whatever it takes. Then the payoff! For the handful of people I have already sponsored, when they loose the first 12 pounds (I didn't like 5 or 15) I am taking them out for sushi! *I have been sponsored by a pedicure, can't wait for cute toes.

Now I just have to be sure and help them stay motivated, and find some sponsors for the rest of my goals. The first section is covered but I am going to need serious rewards for the home stretch. And no, my good health is not reason enough!

So on Wednesdays, I will be sure and post interesting workouts, recipes, tips and traps I face during the week. Please share your own tips and trials as we can all benefit from better health.


Dana Weeks said...

I love sushi, and I can't wait. Although Amico's pizza at 10 last night, probably won't get me to sushi any faster.

Kristen said...

Go Lisa! I am not a sushi girl, so what's my reward? ;) And every girl deserves cute toes. Here is your first motivational tip-

French Fries are evil! They won't let you have just a few, so just don't have any.

Rachael said...

Hey you!!! yes french fries are evil and that is why i try not to get them because before you know it i've eaten an entire basket and didn't share any with adam. here is a tip though. when you get a sweet craving get a healthy sweat. i really like sugar free yogurt covered almonds, then i just eat a few and drink a big glass of water.
you'll have to send me a picture of your buetiful toes!!