Today was the first day of my work running club. I was planning an intense walk/job, let's face it, I wasn't going to be running my first day. I brought all my gear with me, and when I arrived at work, in my mail box was a map of the pending run.
The girls I work with have been planning routes with map my run, a pretty sweet site that lets you, well, create routes. The one for today, our first run, was 2 miles. TWO. Now I know that it doesn't seem far, but it did to me so I quickly mapped a new run for me and another beginner for 1.5 miles. It sounded better.
Around 11 I got an email regarding club run from our SVP and fitness fanatic, basically saying the following:
Rain or Shine we'll leave here at 5:45.
Well, at 5:10 I went to grab my things from my car and it was raining. I realized some things about my need to run. So I walked into my favorite Fit Fan's office and said...
I appreciate your enthusiasm, really I do, but I’m shine only.
Now I know what you're thinking, how will not running help with weight loss Wednesday? The answer is it won't. So after dinner Kevin and I prepared for a trip to the gym. This is where the drama begins.
We let Bailey out after dinner thinking she would need to use her backyard facilities, but we forgot it's raining.
We forgot our dog is also shine only. So in her dog house she sat, scared and bitter, refusing to come out no matter how we coaxed.
Back in the house, we wait. Luckily the rain turned to snow 15 minutes later, and there was my dog, happy and ready to walk through the yard and back into house.
So we jump in the car and head to the gym. After 45 minutes, the only shine I can see in on my forehead. Maybe Thursday the weather will cooperate, no rain all shine, and I can actually participate in club run.