Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Weight loss Wednesdays: No, I did not give up

To any who may have concerns that my refusal to workout would last, it didn't. I started right back up last Thursday and only took Sunday off for Easter.

A note on Karma: Friday night we had our friends over for dinner. After dinner Kevin requested I make some peanut butter cookies. I knew I shouldn't make these beasts, but still everyone thought mmm cookies and I got on board and began pulling together ingredients with our friend. Between batches I wanted to cool the pan so I went to take it outside in that lovely Easter weekend snow.

Big Slip! Crash, splat! There I was all twisted around at the top of the stairs, pan on top. I slept with ice on my swollen ankle and toe. I have a huge ugly bruise on my arm and we had to wash the pan again. Pain and more work. Karma was out to get me. In order get back on the cookie karma's good side I made the group do squats while waiting for the cookies to bake. Hopefully we are even now.

My dedication is pretty high these days. Sure I had a bag of sour patch kids after lunch, but I had a salad, soup (broth not cream) and half a bagel for dinner. I don't even want a snack. I have one all planned out, I usually want an after dinner snack, but tonight I actually recognized feeling full while I was eating my dinner. And, I had the strength to stop eating before I felt stuffed. Small victories.

Mean Jillian Michaels is one of my favorite topics. I find her pretty inspiring. She was once 170 pounds and is now a super-buff fitness and motivational guru. In the shred workout series she talks a lot about what it actually takes to get fit and the kind of commitment it needs to be.

Here is my favorite:

Don’t be afraid to push yourself: “People are so placated by
groups that say ‘Start by taking the stairs,’” says Michaels.
“What? That makes people think ‘I’m so fragile, I can barely
take the staircase.’” In fact, she says, the human body can
withstand a lot, and increasing the intensity of your workout
is one of the fastest ways to burn calories and lose weight.
“The more we hear this false message of lethargy, the more
we believe it,” she says. “As humans, we have evolved to the
point where the sky is not the limit. Your capabilities are, in
fact, limitless.” So that means pushing yourself to do that last
lunge, kicking up the speed on the treadmill, and erring on the
side of exhaustion over caution. - Jillian Michaels
She is a little intense but I have a good feeling she gets it. She really understands what it takes. Maybe I relate to her because she used to be bigger, maybe because she is demanding and makes you feel accountable, the reason is not important. She gets it and helps me get it.

Exciting new things from the week:
I finally wake up hungry. I think that means I am not overeating at night.
I no longer crave sweets every time I see them.
I did not indulge in a single Easter candy.

The exciting yet bad:
I know when I want pop again. My birthday is next month and while some plan to drink on their birthdays I am going out for fountain pop! It will be incredible. For dessert...a macchiato.

The goal this week:
Keep finding time to sleep. I really think it is helping.

Photo can be found at Serta.

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