But the real story, shorts are 10% off.
We went shopping on Saturday night and were browsing around a store known for their love of America and patriotic birds. Kevin was seeking a nice pair of jeans, and I, uninterested in jeans, went looking around the women's clothes. I say women, but I think I mean 14 year old girls. Their clothes are cute, but mostly young for me. I digress.
At this point I am in the back of the store and have been there at least 7 minutes. A manager most have noticed I hadn't been greeted yet and sent the 15/16-year-old T-shirt folder to handle the task. Simple right?
He starts his shpeal about "Welcome to Amer...um..can I help you...um"

His mind focused on the bra and panties in my hands, he umed and ahhed a few more word-type-things, turned an adorable shade of red, and walked away. After two steps, he spun back around, eyes to the floor, and said, "Shorts are 10% off today." Awesome.
Photo from www.ae.com
That is TOTALLY awesome!!! I love it when teenage boys turn that lovely shade of red and can't look you in the eye.
teenage boys?? I STILL do that to her.
-The Husband
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