Anyways, the workout is pretty good, we have been rotating the twenty minute legs with the 20 minute arms, and tonight, back to legs. Mine are still aching from Monday, but I must press on, and so should you. A little sore is not a lot sore and movement is so great! With this particular workout, I wonder if the World (fitness) Dominatrix knows how incredibly intense it is, even her staff take turns performing the routine. This was either because giving them a "solo" was a kind of cookie for being a fav or because she didn't want anyone looking overly tired at the end. Either way, I am addicted to looking as awesome as this woman, in a much shorter body.
For as in-charge as this woman is, it's important to note she is the real deal and understands what it takes to be really fit and what it takes to become healthy. Here are her top five fitness tips, check out the rest of the list here.
1: Be a smart consumer and read labels carefully. Fat free products are loaded with sugar. Fat does not make you fat – SUGAR DOES! When grocery shopping, meals should have no more than 400 calories and snacks 150 calories – buy nothing with over 9 grams of sugar.
2: No overcomplicated routines/no overcomplicated diets. They have the highest failure rate because they don’t teach you how to live in the real world. Get back to the basic, common sense principles.
3: Never skip meals. All of my morbidly obese clients have one thing in common – skipping meals. The moment you allow your blood sugar to drop (when you feel hunger pangs) you become a fat storing machine. You must eat small meals or snacks every few hours.
4:Don’t ever juice-blend: Always eat the whole fruit, not just its sugary juices. Juicing takes out the fiber but leaves you with the sugars. However, blending fills you with the whole fruit (fiber) and a lot more nutrients.
5: Sugar is the devil. Sugar throws our body into an immune suppressed, non-working state of chronic fatigue, depression, and hormonal imbalance. It is the leading cause of disease and depression in this country. To break the sugar addiction, get rid of refined sugar (anything that isn’t fruit or veggies) for 5 days in a row, then allow yourself to have one cheat meal on Saturday and one on Sunday. You will have curbed the chemical addiction for sugar and your brain will desire less.
An update to the diet tool, that seems like more work then I am willing to maintain. I like to make healthy meals more spur of the moment based on what ingredients are on sale. Affordability is also high on my fitness goals list.
Photo from tv guide.
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