Monday, February 4, 2008

Should I stay or should I go now...

My life has been pretty high stress of late, and not just because Inky, my in-laws' dog, has been staying with us. The job market here, in Michigan, scares me to death. All around me, businesses are closing their doors. I can see high-end stores hurting when the economy goes a bit south, but what gets me is the TJ Max by our house just closed and now a handful of Value City's are out the door.

When the Mecca of discount goods and the wanna be, Value City, see no value in staying open that can only mean bad, really bad, things are to come. Without the $8.00 an hour retail job, the underemployed of this state will have no place to turn for work. And without jobs, even bad ones, the economy will only get worse.

Which brings me to the stress. We are talking about an exit strategy. Do I want to leave my family and friends? NO! But, we may have to. I am very lucky to have a job, and even luckier that it is in a field I truly enjoy. I am thrilled we can squeak out our mortgage (and that we took the fixed rate) but one surprise and our resources will be tapped. Should I be thrilled to be getting by?

People always talk about not leaving your family, but that is what my family did to get here. My grandparents were born in other states; they all came here for jobs. Because there were jobs. But, today there are none. Have these wise people taught me nothing? I think it's only right that I go were the work is. I wanted to grow up and see my name in lights, but all that means; I want to be a success!

Confused by it all...

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