For those that don't know, I am a vegetarian, and my husband is, well not. He actually detests most things green (edible, not eco-friendly). The article talked about the toll it takes on relationships, how some can make it through, and the challenges faced in daily life.
Over the years Kevin has learned the importance of separate spoons. For those of you out there thinking of cooking for a strict vegetarian, spoon to sauce contamination is a big thing to watch out for.
Note the two spoon rests in our kitchen
The same holds true for any spread you may use from a jar, once the knife has touched the meat infested sandwich it is not welcome back in the condiment, so take what you want the first time!
This rule holds true for a second element of the article, dealing with those gluten starved celiac patients in your life. Well, at least, dealing with the one in mine.
I am always emailing restaurants trying to find out what she can eat and what she can't, but mostly our system works like this.
Chipotle, Red Robin, Chipotle, Recipes, Chipotle, Red Robin, Chipotle Recipes...
If you haven't figured out what comes next, was there ever any hope?
The moral of the story,
Learning to live with a vegetarian is, well, a challenge I'm sure, but with patience and tolerance, possible.
Living without gluten is, I am guessing completely unacceptable, but necessary.
Letting a vegetarian and a celiac sufferer dine together...who on Earth would've let us find each other?
Hahaha, I read that article too! I was assured from my boyfriend that a vegan doesn't freak out about kissing someone non-vegan (unless they just had a mouthful of meat).
Glad you're blogging :-)
I also read that article, or at least a similar one. Glad you guys haven't written it off as unworkable :)
Would you re-post the link to the first article? It's just a link to NY Times' homepage ... and I'm curious to read this article! : )
The link to "the paper" is just to the Times homepage, the second link "article" is the actual article.
Just so everyone knows, that is an old pic of the stove. The faceplate is now on the electrical outlet.
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