Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Weight loss Wednesdays, I want results!

Yet another week of attempted weight loss. And I am down, but not nearly enough, why does tons of exercise get so easily ruined by a night of wine, cheese, and cake?

I did eat better this week, for the most part, and I exercised pretty regularly. Kevin and I did a workout at Bally Monday that I am still aching from. The sad news for tonight’s workout plan is I definitely hurt my foot at dance last night. Better rest it for a day or so...

The three dollars a day savings plan is working pretty well and I rarely have pop anymore (soda for you non-Michiganders).

Food: I tried the Chili’s Guiltless Black Bean Burger. Guilt free in so many ways, low fat, and at $5.99 it is one of the most affordable meals on the menu. This was one of the best veggie burgers I've ever had. It was flavorful, zesty, a splash of ranch and the perfect texture. The steamed veggies it was served with were still a little crisp, no mushy baby food, an excellent meal all around.

Lose that muffin top! That is my primary visual goal for the next few weeks. I refuse, REFUSE to buy pants that fit, I own plenty of pants, and I can wear them all, provided I wear a billowing sweater on top. I did some digging and found some muffin top banishing tips, and unfortunately, they did not include eating the tops of muffins. The workout is basically interval training i.e., a burst of cardio and then some targeted ab moves.

Do’s and Don'ts for the week:

Exercise at least 4 days
Make good food choices; side of veggies, yogurt, fruit
Drink water
Lose muffin tops
Try on a current pair of jeans you own that don't fit quite right; make fitting in them better the goal for March!

Weigh yourself daily
Obsess over food
Eat dessert unless you've had all your fruit and vegetables for the day
Snack out of boredom
Eat muffin tops

Sometimes You're Just a Kid

While working on her master's, my friend lives with her father. I've known this family for at least fifteen years, and when we were kids, her dad would drive us to the movies, order pizza for our sleepovers and the many other wonderful things dads do.

A few weeks back I was headed to my friend's house to rehearse a tap number on a Sunday morning. I stopped at 7- Eleven for some coffee and water and was starting to call her to see if she or her dad wanted anything. When I looked up, there he was.

"I'm calling you"

"But I am right here"

"Well, I am calling Andrea, do you know if she wants anything?"

"I think I asked her and she said no, double check"

I did, and she didn't, so I go to buy my stuff and he is standing ahead of me…

"and add her coffee and water"

"I can get it"


He gave me that I'm the adult and you're the kid look, and while I know that if this had been a game of poker, he'd have taken me for all I've got, when it comes to snacks, I'm still just a kid.

I'm 25.

While I am proud of the things I have accomplished in my life so far, and I felt pretty awkward not buying my coffee, I have to admit it was freeing. For one sweet moment, I went back in time and was just a kid.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Weight loss Wednesdays part Deux

This week has been a slow start. I have had some pretty good support, and for those that wanted to be sponsored I have been emailing out tips and things to help us all stay on track. One step at a time, which is all I can take.

Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed
downstairs a step at a time. ~Mark Twain

On working out:
I went to the gym twice since last Wednesday, and did actual working out. Impressed? I am.
I went to dance. That is two hours of work. (To add to my wish list: Walking in Memphis Marc Cohn
Walked the dog; I think she had cabin fever.
Lunges and crunches while watching TV one night.

On eating right:
This was basically a failure with a few high points.
Sunday I was hungry and I remembered I bought broccoli and ate it!
I drank lots and lots of water.
And then... I split a piece of flourless cake from Sweet Lorraine’s with Kevin. I can't do it cold.

My advice of the week is, find a friend to work-out with. Even if it's only once a week, mark it down and hold each other accountable. It's a great way to spend time with your friends while doing something really good for you. I miss my mornings with Kristen, when she lived out here I had a reason to get my butt out of bed before 5 in the morning. Accountability. Who knew it could be so motivating?

My goal for next week is a two-for-one: Spend $3 less a day during the week. This should have the effect of taking away a pop, coffee, shake (the bad kind) and other add-ons I tend to get at restaurants. Plus, that is $15 back in my pocket for weekend fun with Kevin and our friends.

Good Luck Wednesdays! If you would like to receive a motivating* email and tips* during the week, post a comment or send me an email. LGibalaWarren AT Gmail.

* For those that don't know, I am not a professional, and recommend that you assess what I say and use your best judgment on what's best for you. As the standard statement goes: Consult your doctor before attempting any diet or exercise program.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Time spent at the Barre

Tonight was dance night. I watched the lyrical class while I ate my dinner and went over steps in my head. I worked the Aerosmith number with all I had, even if my toes weren't pointed on that kick, I was feeling good. Then tap! I put so much into the first run through I could hardly breathe the rest of the hour. Best feeling ever! Certainly I am not a great dancer, but I feel great dancing. It's that thing in life that always makes my day, even when I am frustrated and can't seem to get it right, Dance=Happy.

My summer rehearsal wish list:

More than a Memory - Garth Brooks (hear it)
Apologize - Timbaland feat. One Republic (hear it)
Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance (hear it)
Fragile - Delta Goodrem (hear it, and see a great piece)

It's doubtful that I will get one of these, but hey, no need not to want, that would be un-American. Okay, exhausted and in need of a shower. More informative post tomorrow.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hey is that about me?

Do you ever read the paper and think when did I give that interview? When reading the paper I stumbled upon an article that defines so many situations in my life I really thought I must have wrote it, or at the very least, been the inspiration. I didn't and I wasn't, but, when it played out in my head...

For those that don't know, I am a vegetarian, and my husband is, well not. He actually detests most things green (edible, not eco-friendly). The article talked about the toll it takes on relationships, how some can make it through, and the challenges faced in daily life.

Over the years Kevin has learned the importance of separate spoons. For those of you out there thinking of cooking for a strict vegetarian, spoon to sauce contamination is a big thing to watch out for.

Note the two spoon rests in our kitchen

The same holds true for any spread you may use from a jar, once the knife has touched the meat infested sandwich it is not welcome back in the condiment, so take what you want the first time!

This rule holds true for a second element of the article, dealing with those gluten starved celiac patients in your life. Well, at least, dealing with the one in mine.

I am always emailing restaurants trying to find out what she can eat and what she can't, but mostly our system works like this.

Chipotle, Red Robin, Chipotle, Recipes, Chipotle, Red Robin, Chipotle Recipes...

If you haven't figured out what comes next, was there ever any hope?

The moral of the story,

Learning to live with a vegetarian is, well, a challenge I'm sure, but with patience and tolerance, possible.

Living without gluten is, I am guessing completely unacceptable, but necessary.

Letting a vegetarian and a celiac sufferer dine together...who on Earth would've let us find each other?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Weight loss Wednesdays

I was going to put this off one more week...but here we go.

My life has been sedentary of late and it seems I am expanding. I have tried to fight it, but it often feels like a losing battle and fries can't be all bad, right? Well, 25 pounds in less than two years says they are. I am ready to fight back, and I am guessing it's good for my health too.

After a rare series of events, I found myself at my parents’ house, watching Rachael Ray. She had a really interesting guest, no, a guest with a really interesting story. The guest had asked people she knew to sponsor her weight loss. So that is my plan now. Sponsoring and being sponsored.

The sponsor picks a 5-15 pound section, depends what you've got to loose, and makes it their responsibility to help you on the follow through. Encouraging phone calls, working out with you, sending tips, whatever it takes. Then the payoff! For the handful of people I have already sponsored, when they loose the first 12 pounds (I didn't like 5 or 15) I am taking them out for sushi! *I have been sponsored by a pedicure, can't wait for cute toes.

Now I just have to be sure and help them stay motivated, and find some sponsors for the rest of my goals. The first section is covered but I am going to need serious rewards for the home stretch. And no, my good health is not reason enough!

So on Wednesdays, I will be sure and post interesting workouts, recipes, tips and traps I face during the week. Please share your own tips and trials as we can all benefit from better health.

Fleet Street is now Dave Fleet

Internal gone External: (I also posted this to my co-workers)

For those of you Fleet Street PR readers, he has moved his blog back to Dave Fleet. Today's topic? What can PR Pros learn from gamers?

Keep it simple
Make it about the people
Keep it interesting
Get the basis right

So there you have it. If you'd like to find out why, and I imagine you would, check out the full post.

I think we all know how important it is to look outside the industry for ideas and perspective. The question is, are we remembering to do it? Thanks to MVL for reminding me of the following.

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein

Monday, February 11, 2008

What to do when you're just like your parents? Deal.

"You're just like your father." It's true. I am also, at times, just like my mother. I am fairly happy (made peace with) about it. They raised me, and being like them is certainly not the worst thing. At times it may even be the best.

So why do people use it as an insult? When having a recent debate with my grandma and mom, things went crazy. My grandma made a statement and backed it up. I then made a statement, and backed it up. Apparently I had too much back up. (How dare I have multiple reasons to support what I say?)

My mother shoots off a "You're just like your father," and grandma quickly agrees. My father is a lot of things, some of them good and some of them bad, but he knows how to debate an issue. He follows the news religiously, cites facts and sources when he supports or negates a stance, and takes time to look at other sides. Admittedly, it can get intense. From years of trying to assert my "right-ness" or "left-ness" as the case may be, I too have learned to follow these things with diligence. Yes, it is true I enjoy debating topics from politics, environment, movies, and even food. I like opinions, I like the "why factor." And, when you've known me for a day, a year, or a lifetime, you know what to expect when offering your opinion.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Extra, extra, read all about it!

A few nights ago our dog, Bailey, was barking at 5 a.m. This greatly concerned my husband, Kevin, because she doesn’t bark without reason.

Kevin: The dog was barking and she doesn't bark just to bark. So I got up, and there was a car parked in our driveway, and the door was open! And it was in our DRIVEWAY!
Me: um, a car, at 5, in our driveway?
Kevin: YES!
Me: um, and is there now a paper on your front porch?
Kevin: um, oh, that makes sense. Well, at least she told me someone was there.

I love him!

Should I stay or should I go now...

My life has been pretty high stress of late, and not just because Inky, my in-laws' dog, has been staying with us. The job market here, in Michigan, scares me to death. All around me, businesses are closing their doors. I can see high-end stores hurting when the economy goes a bit south, but what gets me is the TJ Max by our house just closed and now a handful of Value City's are out the door.

When the Mecca of discount goods and the wanna be, Value City, see no value in staying open that can only mean bad, really bad, things are to come. Without the $8.00 an hour retail job, the underemployed of this state will have no place to turn for work. And without jobs, even bad ones, the economy will only get worse.

Which brings me to the stress. We are talking about an exit strategy. Do I want to leave my family and friends? NO! But, we may have to. I am very lucky to have a job, and even luckier that it is in a field I truly enjoy. I am thrilled we can squeak out our mortgage (and that we took the fixed rate) but one surprise and our resources will be tapped. Should I be thrilled to be getting by?

People always talk about not leaving your family, but that is what my family did to get here. My grandparents were born in other states; they all came here for jobs. Because there were jobs. But, today there are none. Have these wise people taught me nothing? I think it's only right that I go were the work is. I wanted to grow up and see my name in lights, but all that means; I want to be a success!

Confused by it all...