Monday, January 28, 2008

Writer's guild, writer's guild, wherefore art thou writer's guild?

I miss TV. I am not embarrassed by my love of sitting around at night and watching sitcoms , dramas and even Lifetime movies. It is my unwind time. I laugh, I cry, I allow myself to become vested in a world that is not my own. I love it. This strike is slowly stealing my sanity by not allowing me to escape from time to time.

I have been blessed with a curse recently. The Colbert Report has returned to me, but without writers. This show is of such importance that I receive Google alerts on it right along with alerts for my clients. I fancy myself pro-union, so does this make me a scab viewer?

I know there is new research showing things like forcing kids to apologize when they are not really sorry causes them more harm than good, but I, the third party am suffering irreparable damage. So, networks, writers, lets play nice. I pay too much for cable with no writers.

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